Careers Info

For further information regarding the school’s careers education programme, please contact:


Mrs Julia Corbett

Careers Leader

(01823) 274073


Mrs Corbett co-ordinates the careers education programme and meets with students on a one-to-one basis to provide advice, guidance and information regarding their next steps and career aspirations.  All students are seen in Year 10/11 for an individual interview and students are offered guidance if required when selecting their GCSE options.  Parents are welcome to attend their child’s careers interview but would need to contact Mrs Corbett to arrange a convenient time.

There are also drop in sessions available in the careers office (Q15) at break times for students to ask any questions or to book an appointment with Mrs Corbett. 

For students who are considering pursuing the apprenticeship route, Mrs Corbett is happy to help with applications or to arrange a mock interview.

If you are an employer or provider and wish to work with us, please email

Careers Education Plan 2022/23

Click here to view our Careers Plan.

Careers Education Objectives and 5-year Timetable

Click here to view the action plan.

Procedure for Year 11 College Applications - 2022/23

Click here to view information around college applications.

Careers Events and Activities

Click here to download 2023-24 college open events.

Click here to download the Careers Bulletin.

Post-16 Pathways

Click here to download information on post-16 pathways.

Destination Data

Click here to view our Destination Data.

Businesses wishing to engage with The Castle School 

Please click here to view our Careers Provider Access Policy.

Careers Resources

Career Pilot is a free site that helps young people plan their future study and work. It is a great resource for young people, their parents/carers and also teachers and tutors, who are advising students about the full range of options.

The National Careers Service provides information, advice and guidance across England to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. The service offers confidential and impartial advice and is supported by qualified careers advisers.  

For information on Apprenticeships, what they involve and how you can find one, follow this link to the website.

The percentage of students staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 (pupil destinations) can be found by following this link:

The Castle School evaluates the students' destination data and sustained destination results to assess impact of the careers programme.  Student feedback on careers education engagement opportunities with businesses, colleges, universities and training providers are regularly sought and evaluated for continued development of the programme.